Jan 5, 2016

Puppy Patty for Dogs | In-N-Out Burger

In-N-Out is known for its secret menu. So much so that the secret menu doesn't seem so "secretive." Despite being so well-known, many people are surprised to find out that In-N-Out's special menu includes an item for dogs. It is called the Puppy Patty and features a plain hamburger patty without any salt added that is served in a doggy bag (AKA a paper bag). What dog is not going to love that?! I mean, just look how happy the dog is below with his In-n-Out Puppy Patty. The prices for a puppy patty do vary by location with some In-n-Outs charging a buck or two while others may even charge you the price of a regular hamburger. Regardless of the price you are charged, your dog is sure to love it!

In-N-Out for you and your dog!
You no longer have to feel guilty when leaving your dog at home or in the car when enjoying In-N-Out. A double-double and animal style fries for you, and a Pup Patty for your dog! This is a meal/treat that your dog is sure to enjoy and is one of the healthier options featured on a secret menu for dogs. Bring the pup along to enjoy some very yummy dog food from the freshest burger joint around! We realize dogs are already considered a man's or woman's best friend but you might be surprised to see your dog even love you more after you treat them to a puppy Patty.

In-N-Out isn't the only well-known restaurant that offers secret menu items for dogs - Starbucks offers a "Puppuccino" that your dog or puppy is sure to love! Check out some other restaurants that offer secret menus for dogs here!


  1. Anonymous9/16/2016

    At In-N-Out along with the pub Burger you can also get a cup of water with or without ice for your dog. I didn't know that was a secret menu I thought that the person waiting on us was just being nice and she was. Lakota loved it it was a great treat

    1. I know right so good for dogs. I had no idea that they gave water dibble the cool stuff. Did you know Starbucks has a pupacino for your dogs. 😄😄😄🤗😋🚗🏆💳❤️❤️❤️🏳️:-O:-O:-O

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  2. oh my god my dog fell in love with it. It is so good to have a fast food place with that especially with long trips dog is hungry boom in-in out has something for you dog.

    1. What's "in-in out"? You might be posting in the wrong place. This is about In-N-Out.

    2. Anonymous8/22/2024

      Troll much?

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