Apr 10, 2014

Wish Burger | In-N-Out

The In-n-Out Secret Menu includes an item called the Wish Burger, which is just a fancy or unique name for a vegetarian "burger." We get it, sometimes just saying "veggie" can get quite boring so we appreciate the respect the Wish Burger considering that. But, we are perplexed why somebody would eat at In-n-Out if they weren't going to enjoy their fresh patties, plus this veggie burger option doesn't look at filling as some true veggie patties. Unless, of course, the person is vegetarian and being a good sport going with friends or family who want a Double-Double. If that is the case then we also have mad respect for them being a trooper by tagging along and enjoying the Wish Burger.

Wish Burger Recipe:
  • Begin with a Hamburger, Cheeseburger, or Double-Double. 
  • Remove 100% fresh beef patty or patties. 
  • Option: cheese and spread.
  • Enjoy!
The "Wish Burger" is just another name for a veggie burger from In-N-Out. While other restaurants might feature veggie patties, In-N-Out does not. They simply take a regular burger or cheeseburger and remove the beef patties before adding extra vegetables: tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and onions. 

Wish Veggie Burger
The Wish Burger from In-n-Out's secret menu.
UPDATED APRIL 16th, 2018: according to a current In-N-Out employee that goes by "MP98," there is no such thing as a Wish Burger on In-N-Out's secret menu. They claim that an In-N-Out employee will have zero clue what you're trying to order when you say Wish Burger so they recommend you simply order a vegetarian burger to avoid an awkward experience for both parties. 

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