Apr 9, 2014

Flying Dutchman | In-N-Out

The Flying Dutchman burger recipe from In-n-Out's secret menu:
  • Two 100% fresh beef patties
  • Two slices of American cheese
  • Nothing else. 
  • Seriously, that's it.
The Flying Dutchman is literally two beef patties and two slices of cheese stacked together for your enjoyment. If you're the type of person that doesn't have time to allow veggies, sauces, or buns to distract you from the goodness of the In-n-Out burger patties then this burger concept was made with you in mind.

If you're wondering where this secret menu item got its name from, we have no idea. A Flying Dutchman is a ghost shit from legendary stories that is doomed in such a manner that it can never reach port and must sail the seas for forever and forever. Not sure how such a concept inspired the naming of a just a double patty and cheese burger but for whatever reason it caught on and is now the official name of it on the In-n-Out secret menu. 

Flying Dutchman Burger
The Flying Dutchman Burger from In-n-Out. Who has time for buns, veggies, and sauces?


  1. In N out is famous fast food chain. I have tried in n out secret menu and liked cheeseburger but I did not like beef patties and bun less burger. But my brother love to have beef patty.

  2. Anonymous10/07/2022

    n4v15j0l32 f7x46n9m84 b4h19m3v73 m8m41p8u74 f2s68x5d47 v8b93z8s40

  3. Anonymous3/01/2023

    "Ghost shit"
