Apr 7, 2014

The McLand Sea and Air Burger

McDonald's McLand Sea and Air Burger

The McLand Sea and Air Burger from McDonald's is one of the most unique secret menu items you will come across ever, whether it be at McDonald's or anywhere else. It combines a hamburger patty, fish filet, and chicken patty into one amazing sandwich that is surely large enough to feed two adults while splitting some fries. If the McDonald's you visit does not allow you to order this sandwich, you can order a cheeseburger, filet-o-fish sandwich, and a McChicken before combining them into one massive sandwich yourself. 

One Hamburger + One McChicken Sandwich + One Filet-O-Fish Sandwich =

The McLand Sea and Air Burger

McLand Sea and Air Burger
Chicken, Fish, and a Burger Patty......yummy!

The secret menu from McDonald's has many more amazing treats to offer besides the McLand Sea and Air Burger that you can view by clicking here

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